
Routes are the different analysis workflows.

Basic routes

Generic routes are sample-centric where the same analysis is performed independently for each sample. The available routes:

  • rna-star: RNA-seq using STAR. Generates BAMs, normalized bigWigs, counts matrix, and various QC metrics.
  • rna-salmon: RNA-seq using Salmon. Generates TPM/counts matrix and various QC metrics.
  • rna-rsem: RNA-seq using RSEM. Generates FPKM/TPM/counts matrix and various QC metrics.
  • rna-snv: RNA-seq variant detection. Generates BAMs, VCFs, and various QC metrics.
  • chip: ChIP-seq. Generates BAMs, bigWigs, peaks, and various QC metrics.
  • atac: ATAC-seq. Generates BAMs, bigWigs, peaks, nucleosome positions, and various QC metrics.
  • wes: Whole genome/exome/targeted variant detection. Generates BAMs, VCFs, and various QC metrics.
  • wgbs: WGBS methylation analysis.
  • rrbs: RRBS methylation analysis.
  • species: Species/metagenomics/contamination analysis.

Routes for comparing groups of samples

Some protocols require analysis of multiple samples simultaneously, such as tumor-normal or treatment-control combinations. There are additional routes for comparing groups of samples after individual samples are processed with a generic sample-centric route. These routes depend on the output of the generic routes and must be run from the same directory. Available comparison routes:

Each route has a description with more details regarding its output.