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Retrieve a data frame of gene sets and their member genes. The original human genes can be converted into their corresponding counterparts in various model organisms, including mouse, rat, pig, zebrafish, fly, and yeast. The output includes gene symbols along with NCBI and Ensembl IDs.


  species = "Homo sapiens",
  db_species = "HS",
  collection = NULL,
  subcollection = NULL,
  category = deprecated(),
  subcategory = deprecated()



Species name for output genes, such as "Homo sapiens" or "Mus musculus". Use msigdbr_species() for available options.


Species abbreviation for the human or mouse databases ("HS" or "MM").


Collection abbreviation, such as "H" or "C1". Use msigdbr_collections() for the available options.


Sub-collection abbreviation, such as "CGP" or "BP". Use msigdbr_collections() for the available options.


[Deprecated] use the collection argument


[Deprecated] use the subcollection argument


A data frame of gene sets with one gene per row.


Historically, the MSigDB resource has been tailored to the analysis of human-specific datasets, with gene sets exclusively aligned to the human genome. Starting with release 2022.1, MSigDB incorporated a database of mouse-native gene sets and was split into human and mouse divisions ("Hs" and "Mm"). Each one is provided in the approved gene symbols of its respective species. The versioning convention of MSigDB is in the format Year.Release.Species. The genes within each gene set may originate from a species different from the database target species as indicated by the gs_source_species and db_target_species fields.

Mouse MSigDB includes gene sets curated from mouse-centric datasets and specified in native mouse gene identifiers, eliminating the need for ortholog mapping.

To access the full dataset, please install the msigdbdf package (not available on CRAN):

install.packages("msigdbdf", repos = "")